Struggling to Give Feedback? Try This 3-Step Formula.

Giving feedback is tough, but this template makes it much easier.

Bobby Powers
5 min readDec 6, 2022
Image Credit: Ahtziri Lagarde on Unsplash

I frequently get calls from friends who want to chat about work challenges. And I’m perpetually amazed by how often my friends’ struggles come back to one thing: a hesitancy to share feedback.

One entrepreneur I know (“Greg”) was having issues with his business partner. I asked Greg how his partner responded when Greg expressed those concerns. But Greg hadn’t said anything, so the problem persisted.

Another friend felt he was being micromanaged, so he was thinking about jumping ship to another company. I asked how his manager responded when he shared he was feeling that way. He hadn’t said anything yet. He was just quietly filling out job applications.

Now, let me just say…I get it. Feedback is tough. Only psychopaths enjoy giving someone a difficult message that could ruin their day.

But the problem is that many people seemingly prefer to wallow in misery rather than have an honest, candid conversation with someone. And that tendency to avoid tough conversations often leads people to unnecessarily hate their jobs, leave jobs prematurely, or blow up at loved ones when work stress bubbles over.



Bobby Powers

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