35 Lessons I’ve Learned in 35 Years
What I wish I could teach my younger self
Today I turn 35, which feels really old.
I think self-reflection is important, so I’ve been reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned these past three and a half decades.
Here’s what I wish I could teach my younger self (in no particular order)…
1. Don’t worry about what you can’t control. The only thing worth focusing on is what you can personally influence. You can control things like effort, preparation, and follow-through. You can’t control others’ reactions, attitudes, or opinions of you. So forget about that stuff. Just focus on you.
2. Strive to learn something new every day. Drink from a wide-brimmed glass of creative inspiration: books, TED talks, podcasts, MasterClasses, YouTube videos, etc. And don’t limit your learning to “your field.” Follow random interests, even if that means learning about filmmaking despite the fact that you never plan to make a movie.
3. Embrace childlike wonder. Pay attention to the little things in life like fascinating bugs, gnarled trees, and brilliant sunsets. That’s the good stuff. Stop and gawk, just like a little kid would do.
4. Give people feedback. The majority of the world’s problems come down to people not telling each…